The 4th Mengly J. Quach Chinese Spelling Bee

The 4th Mengly J. Quach Chinese Spelling Bee

On May 13, 2023, Aii Language Center hosted the 4th Mengly J. Quach Chinese Spelling Bee on the 17th floor of the Sov Hong Kuy Auditorium on the Mao Tse Tong Campus. The Chinese Spelling Bee Contest’s main goals are to boost students’ self-confidence and help them learn pronunciation and vocabulary. The event was a huge success, and we applaud all of the students’ dedication, which was glaring throughout all stages. We congratulate the Champion Sopheakraksa Se, the First Runner-up Yongmeng Lor, and the Second Runner-up Udommonirath Chour with great pride. Congratulations to all; you have earned the title of champions.